Practice Leaflet
Outstanding CQC
Sample Collection
The Surgery is only able to accept urine and stool samples until 2pm each day. This is due to collection times from the Hospital.
Job vacancy update
We currently do not have any vacancies.
Water Supply
12.20 The water supply to the Surgery is back and clinics can now continue as normal.
12.00 The Surgery currently has no water.
Anglian water has advised the water should be back on by 1pm but due to infection control, we cannot see any patients face to face during this time.
Telephone appointment will still go ahead. We will keep you updated on this issue.
Closed Monday 19/9/22
Due to the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II on Monday 19th October 2022, the Surgery will be closed.
GP Vacancy
Information when attending Abbeyview Surgery:
We continue to require anyone visiting the practice to wear a mask, use hand sanitiser and observe the 2 metre rule.
Covid rates in our area are still very high, and we continue to follow the guidance set out from the national infection control teams.
This is for the benefit of the whole practice population – we can only deliver health care services if we have staff to do so. By the very nature of what we do we often have very vulnerable people in the building and as a community we feel it is our duty to protect them as best we can.
As a Practice we would like to say a big thank you to our patients for adhering to these requests over the last two years.
As soon as we feel we can, we will relax these rules but hope you understand the need to continue in the Surgery for now.